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Our School Vision

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St. Gabriel’s Parish was established in 1936 with Fr. Patrick Ryan as the first parish priest. The first recorded Mass in Reservoir was celebrated about 1919 – 1920 in what was then the Church of England Hall.

In 1925 a decision was made to build a more substantial parish church on Bell Street for the growing Parish of Preston and the existing wooden Sacred Heart Church was moved to Viola Street in Reservoir. The relocation of the church and its transport along High Street caused so much disruption that the shire council of the day resolved never to allow any more churches to be transported up High Street!


What we offer

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Learning & Teaching We have a clear model of learning and teaching. We employ qualified Literacy and Numeracy coaches to ensure continued success. Children have small group literacy and Numeracy target s throughout the day to ensure EACH child is TARGETED where they are in their learning. All children have the right to success and growth. We pride ourselves on making learning visible. Learning intentions are displayed in ‘learner friendly’ language to help our learners know how I am going?, where am I going? and where to next. By making learning and progress visible, we empower our learners and their parents. Our spaces are thought about intentionally and purposefully. We believe in creating a welcoming and versatile space. Curriculum and Learning spaces are connected; therefore we need a variety of spaces to cater for the differences in our curriculum.

Specialist Classes We offer Italian, Sports (P.E) with swimming and inter-school sports, and The Arts including Music, Visual and Performing Arts. Children engage with Digital Technology through a specialized program and within their hub environment.

Engaging with Place We offer a unique learning with Engaging with Place. Each week, children spend time with ‘land’ and discover ‘place’ (through our farm including chickens) and our connection to Wurundjeri land. Children plant, harvest and cook our produce, learning about our world and how to give back and look after it. We discover and understand our responsibilities and our impact.

Wellbeing At St Gabriel’s, we recognise the importance of well being and the impact on student learning and sense of happiness. Every aspect of school life aims to enhance children’s well being and contribute to the full flourishing of each child in all aspects of their development . We have developed a beginning of the day which is based upon Berry St Educational practices. We are deeply committed to ensuring our school is a place where young people feel safe. We adopt an integrated and collaborative approach to building and strengthening a safe and respectful school community. Student voice is a critical component of a child-safe environment. We have established appropriate and accessible pathways through which our children can express themselves, communicate concerns and feel empowered.

Leadership for children A key feature of our success is the active involvement of our children in the life of the school. The school offers a diverse range of leadership opportunities that includes joining leadership teams and participating in leadership programs: School Captains, House Captains, Sports Captains, Social Justice Leaders, Sustainability Leaders, Media Leaders. Children attend a leadership conference throughout their primary school years to inspire their involvement in these roles.

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